
Monday, November 14, 2011

A Day of Renewal.

Blogging has seemed to become a very low priority lately, even though I wanted to blog a lot more once I moved to Tech. So, while I have a short break in studying, I thought that I could update on what the Lord has been doing in my life.

Life a Tech has been a whirl wind, but the Lord has blessed me beyond belief. He not only has given me good times, but has also shown me some areas in my life that I need to work on. I would like to say that once I came to Tech, I kept the desire to stay on a mountain top in my relationship with Christ. However, I now know and believe that He teaches us things when we are in the deepest valleys of life.

Going through life here, I have been solely going through the motions. I no longer think about "What can I do right this moment to glorify God?" or "What am I not doing enough of to bring glory to His name?" These questions have been hitting me in the face lately, and I have began to realize that I am not going any extra length to glorify the most amazing God of the universe. What am I thinking? I have began to be self reliant, and since everything was going well, I didn't really seek Him.

However, with procrastination comes stress, and in a sense, that is what I was doing with my faith. Procrastinating. I was putting God off until tomorrow, and the tomorrow, the next day. This has really began to weigh down on me hard. Why am I beginning to even think that I can take care of myself or rely on myself  when I only fail myself every single day? So, what comes next?

When I read God's word, He truly answers my prayers of what I could be doing better in my life. He shows me what areas I need to work on, but He also shows me what areas I am doing well in at this time. As sin continues to lurk in the background just waiting for an opportune time to pounce, God is preparing me to face these temptations. He is equipping me with the armor I need to fight war against these sins.

He is not only teaching me in solitude. He is teaching me through so many other people in my life. Whether that be good influences or bad, He is revealing to me His plans little by little. Christ has been growing immensely within Kyle, for one example, and He is becoming the spiritual leader that I always wanted him to be, and the leader that Christ desires for him to be. The Lord is amazing me day in and day out through what work He is doing in Kyle. He teaches me new things daily.

So, what does all of this mean?
Even though I haven't given God the time and glory that he deserves and desires, He still stands right by my side waiting for me to grab His hand and ask for His help. He doesn't give up on me just because I am trying to do it on my own. He continually jumps out in front of me in hopes that I will see Him, and learn the lesson that He is going to teach me. He is renewing me everyday, so that I can glorify Him.

Thank God for His patience and unending grace.

I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. -Romans 12:1-2

This is a day of renewal.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Long Days and Fun Nights

    College is now in full swing. Is it weird that I still call it "college" and not just school? Classes and studying are filling up my schedule. Howdy TECHsans was such a fun experience. I met so many new people, who I now have in some of my classes. The dorm life has turned out to be great! I love my roommate, and we have become great friends with the girls across the hall from us. When classes started, so did the MANY organizations here at Tech. The only intimidating factor was looking through the over 400, and then choosing what you wanted to be a part of. I am currently pledging Sigma Phi Lambda, a Christian sorority, and I absolutely love it. The group of amazing girls after God's own heart is a great blessing to me here at Tech. I cannot even begin to imagine what the Lord is going to teach me and do through me and other people this year in Phi Lamb.
    There is so much that has been going on since I last updated. I could never tell you all every single moment from the past month. From studying and classes to chapter meetings, engineering kick off, and barn dances, my schedule is jam packed.
    Thank you all for the prayers and support that you are lifting up and have for me as I have embarked on this new journey. They are needed, and very much appreciated.

Another day to study, and another night to have fun.

-Alex Kate

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Awaiting the day...

3 Weeks, 6 Days, 10 Hours.
The countdown is in full swing. I am off to Tech in under four weeks. I am beyond excited, and I cannot wait to start this new chapter in my life. I move in on the 18th of August to begin preparations for the official move in day. I was selected to be a "Howdy TECHsan," which means that I move in early, decorate the halls for move in day, and help people move in and find their way on move in day. I am excited because I know that this will be a great experience and exercise for me. I know that it will help me break out of my shell, and be more outgoing.
Like always, I am way prepared ahead of time. I have bought almost all that I could possibly need for next year in the dorm!

Thats all for now! I will keep you all updated as I move in, and get settled in to Raiderland.

Awaiting move in day.

-Alex Kate

Friday, July 8, 2011

This is the day...

     I haven't updated in about a year, so I wanted to let you all know about what went on in my senior year and what I am up to now that all that is over!
     My senior year actually started back in July of 2010 with summer band. I cannot believe how much I will miss those hot, sweaty, exhausting days of marching. I was honored to be the color guard captain this past year, and I am so thankful for how smoothly that all went. The mix of girls I had this year meshed so well, and got along extremely well. I was blessed with a sweet group of loving girls. I am going to miss each one so much, and thank them for making this year so memorable. Not only was I guard captain, but I also had the honor of being band queen. This was so fun! I loved getting to dress up for a football game, and be recognized. Then came all of the traveling. Many games in Lubbock, and trips for marching contest. The trips are always the best part, and this year was no exception. This marching season was definitely one to remember, and a great one to end on.
     There is always an awkward lull after marching season ends. I was involved in PALs this year to pass some of the time. PALs was a great experience and blessing to be a part of. I went to four different elementary schools through the week, and had kindergarteners everyday. One of my kindergarteners was actually supposed to be in the first grade, but his parents had never put him in any type of schooling before. I was so blessed, and stood in amazement as I watched God work in his life. He progressed from basically a one year old intelligence level to where he is supposed to be as a kindergartener. He grew up so much in one year, and it was a blessing to be a part of this. I loved being a part of PALs, and will keep this memory forever.

     As spring rolled around the corner, my level of business rose tremendously. Although the school work dwindled down, the events and school activities sky rocketed. From baseball games to banquets, and from prom to graduation, there was never a dull moment in my agenda. Watching Kyle (my boyfriend) hit two home runs and prove himself to a coach with solely offense on his mind, was a great memory for senior year. Then band banquet was a bitter sweet moment. It was great and definitely went out with a bang, but realizations that it was the last one settled in. Prom was a blast. Every worry leading up to it, God took care of, and it was a great time for all of us. Then finally, to end the year was graduation. It was so wonderful to have family in town and to share this with them. It was a great feeling to know that I had finished.

     After all of the crazy events, June was no different at all. Right after the all night party, Kyle and I left for church camp. This week was amazing and a great needed break from all of the chaos. However, it didn't last long. Three days after we got back, we left for Tech orientation. Talk about overwhelming!! After many prayers, I finally relaxed a little. Orientation definitely put me in the mood to move into the dorm in August. I cannot wait for August 18th to roll around. Then it was off to the races! We got a chance to escape to Ruidoso, NM for a weekend away with family, and we had a blast!
     Well, that update seems like enough for now. Thank you everyone for your support and prayers as I am about to enter a new time in life, and for everything that y'all have taught me so I can be successful.
     This is the day that the Lord has made, and I will rejoice and be glad in it!!